Shipping Market Forecasting & Vessel Position Forecasting
Artificial Intelligence (AI) based semi-automated system to forecast very important marketing data for the Shipping industry and Crude Oil Price.
Shipping Market Forecasting (SAILUP): This system is adept to provide forecast for shipping market index. Two types of forecasting being achieved, Short Term (6 days, 25 days, 12 weeks) and Long Term (1 Year) period. Interactive UI helps to view the forecasting result and performance measurement based on actual and forecasting data together with deviations. Tableau based dashboard displays short term and long term forecasting result and performance. The system is operational for the MOL Bulk division.
Oil Price Forecasting (OPF): This forecasting system methodology is expected to provide future 40 days ICE Brent Crude Oil Price using multiple Machine Learning models. The Forecasting result is shown in the Tableau Dashboard along with ICE Brent Index price.
Vessel Position Forecasting (VPF) is another Artificial Intelligence based system that helps to provide the historical vessel position. It includes statistics placed on UI with customized Google map. The tool also provides various dashboards on the dynamic Google Map to measure the VPF performance based on the actual and forecast.
This system has been developed using Machine Learning techniques with backend on Python and the user interface using C#. These are fully deployed in public cloud after development on Virtual machines.